At the heart of every industry sector is a very important thread. Where is the money?
In the season finale of New Wave, we’re peeling back the curtain on an essential thread that weaves its way through all of the companies that we’ve explored throughout this series. Investment.
Peter Hickey shows up in just about every corner of the Life Sciences sector in Nova Scotia, helping companies find investment. Through a grassroots investment community that he and Neil Smith have grown over the years, they’re now formalizing it with the founding of SUMS. Helping companies with corporate governance and instilling trust in investors is the name of the game. Through a web platform that gives investors information typically reserved for publicly traded investments, SUMS is galvanizing the investment community in Nova Scotia, helping the Life Sciences sector thrive. Learn more about SUMS at
Peter Hickey is the co-founder of SUMS and has been involved in several successful life sciences companies in Nova Scotia. You can visit his LinkedIn at
Dr. Neil Smith is the co-founder of SUMS and also an Otolaryngologist Head & Neck Surgeon, as well as the founder of The Snore Shop. Visit his LinkedIn profile at
This series is brought to you by Life Sciences Nova Scotia. LSNS is fueling innovation and commercial success of the life sciences sector in Nova Scotia by amplifying the ambition of founders and visionaries who aim to change the world through the commercialization of game-changing ideas. Learn more about them at
New Wave is produced by Snack Labs. It is narrated and written by Taylor MacGillivary and edited by Brian Stever, Jeremie Saunders and Taylor MacGillivary from Snack Labs. Music by Tom Fox and sound design by Donovan Morgan. Find out more about Snack Labs at