Previous BIC Participant Picomole Named Finalist in Health Challenge

by | Jun 16, 2020 | BIOPORT ATLANTIC, News

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Four Atlantic Canadian medtech companies will present their cancer care solutions virtually during the first Health Challenge Pitch Event on Friday, June 19 at 12pm. In partnership with Nova Scotia Health Authority, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, QEII Foundation, and BioNova, one medical technology company working to enhance cancer care will receive $100,000 and their technology will be considered for adoption by the NSHA.

This event is the first of five virtual pitch competitions focusing on health innovation, with topics differing at each event to focus on a health priority identified by the Nova Scotia Health Authority. The competition was created to drive innovation in the medtech space and encourage the adoption of technologies that exist to improve the accuracy and level of care medical practitioners require to make concise, life-saving diagnoses and treatments for patients in Atlantic Canada.

The four companies that will be pitching virtually on Friday, June 19 include:

● Picomole Inc.

● DMF Medical Inc.

● Densitas

● Adaptiiv Medical Technologies Inc.

Pitches will be 10 minutes in length, followed by five minutes for the judges to ask questions. The event is taking place via videoconference and begins at 12pm on Friday, June 19.

Those interested in watching are encouraged to register for the event on Eventbrite. Upcoming pitch topics will be announced in the coming weeks on our social media channels and website.


“The Health Innovation Challenge is meant to stimulate not only greater collaboration and engagement with our medtech partners, but to encourage those of us in the health system to problem solve in a different way. This competition represents a change in our approach to how we view partnerships in our health care system and health innovation.”  – Dr. Gail Tomblin Murphy, Vice President, Research, Innovation & Discovery and CNE, Nova Scotia Health Authority 

“BioNova has provided early support and leadership to all of the finalist companies which has accelerated their growth, making them strong candidates for the Health Challenge.” – Scott Moffitt, Executive Director, BioNova 

“The QEII Foundation has a long-standing history of supporting cancer care priorities at the QEII – funding lifesaving clinics, equipment, treatment advancements and research. It is exciting to be part of finding innovative solutions to cancer care treatments for patients who need it most.” – Bill Bean, President and CEO, QEII Foundation 

“Cancer is a disease that impacts so many of us, and it is inspiring to see strong leadership and innovation in cancer research from Atlantic Canadian medtech companies. I am confident these companies will continue to have a positive impact on patient care across our region.”  – Martha Casey, Volta Interim CEO, and COO