Precision Medicine Conference To Focus on Cancer

by | Oct 30, 2024 | News

From: Entrevestor
Date: Oct. 28, 2024

Attendees will learn about latest advances in cancer treatment and hear the stories of survivors.

The inaugural Atlantic Precision Medicine Conference will be held in Halifax next week with an agenda focused on delivering the right cancer treatment to the right patient at the right time.

Precision medicine, aka personalized medicine, takes into account the genetic makeup of an individual and their cancer when devising treatment. Specialists analyze the genes and other biomarkers in patients and their cancers to assess which therapies will be effective in each case.

At a time when many don’t even have a family doctor, it might be surprising to learn that these innovations are quite advanced in this region, thanks to the work of various centres of excellence.

“Saint John Regional Hospital in New Brunswick was the first laboratory in Canada to offer comprehensive genomic profiling, which analyzes over 500 genes for tumour mutations that can guide treatment,” conference organizer Dr. Michael Carter told Entrevestor.

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