Ilya Pharma Engages Partner International as ILP-technology and ILP100 advances in clinical trials

by | Dec 12, 2019 | News, Partner International Inc.

Partner International Inc. is pleased to announce that Ilya Pharma have engaged Partner International to advise on its global business development activities.  

Ilya Pharma, a clinical stage Swedish biopharmaceutical company, developing next-generation biologics from its own technology platform to Proof of Concept in clinical phase I and II.

From its roots in Uppsala University and Swedish University of Agriculture, Ilya Pharma has developed novel drug candidates where human therapeutic effector proteins are delivered on site in from lactic acid bacteria, acting like small bioreactors. This is a very cost efficient way to deliver the active substance, it is off-the-shelf products, have good stability, the manufacturing process is simple and scaling finished and it is a very low COGS/dose.

Initial indications of focus for ILP100 include treatments of post-surgical wounds where healing is delayed and wound complications significantly increased, such as in diabetes, and gastrointestinal indications, including inflammatory bowel disease, and there are numerous other potential therapeutic applications for the technology.

Ilya Pharma expects to deliver clinical value in these indications by providing cost efficient pharmaceutical products with improved safety and efficacy profile than available alternatives and that use of the compounds also should limit spread of antibiotic resistance.

Ilya Pharma is completing a First in human/Phase I clinical study of ILP100-Topical, with first data readout in Q1 2020 and second readout in Q2 2020, and is exploring business developments options for the program to move it further through clinical development and to commercialize the product.  Ilya pharma has engaged Partner International to support these efforts and explore the business development opportunities for the platform and drug candidates globally.

Partner international is a global leader in corporate and business development for the life science industry with offices in the US, Canada, Australia and Switzerland. For over 20 years, Partner International has built a significant reputation in accelerating transactions for licensing, partnering, mergers and acquisitions, and divestitures in all therapeutic areas. Partner International represents companies of all sizes to advance their business development objectives. PI has completed billions of dollars of transactions globally.

CEO of Partner International, Joanne Ball-Gautschi, said “We are very pleased to be representing Ilya Pharma and its award winning, innovative technology platform. We expect significant interest in ILP100 given its pre-clinical data, and potential to treat wounds in high risk populations and in GI indications.”

“The clinical program of ILP 100 is advancing well and already generating a great deal of interest both in Europe and North America. To augment our internal resources and be able to work with these opportunities, we have taken this strategic decision to work with Partner International. This a project in the Cell- and Gene Therapy space which is emerging, the team at Partner International we work with have a proven track record and impressed us with their understanding in this field and the unique potential of the ILP100 and ILP-platform,” says CEO and cofounder Evelina Vagesjo in a comment.

Evelina Vagesjo, CEO, Ilya Pharma AB

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